Life Amplified

Crime Prevention

The Tinley Park Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit provides the community with a wealth of information and services that educate citizens on personal safety and how to reduce the risk of becoming victims of crime.

Coffee with a Cop 2024

Fraud Alerts
See below for information on common scams and how to avoid them.

For other information on common scams and frauds, please read the "Protect Yourself from Scams" flyer.

Hotel Safety Guide
Please read "A Business Guide to Crime Prevention in Overnight Lodging" for information on preventing drug activity, prostitution and other illegal behavior in hotels and motels.
Business Security
See the "Crime Prevention: A Guide to Business Security" flyer for more information.

IRS Scam
During the federal income tax season, the Attorney General's office sees a spike in IRS-related scams. Scammers call intended victims and claim to be from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The scammers tell the intended victims they owe taxes and must pay immediately using a pre-paid debit card, money order, wire transfer or gift card. If you refuse to pay, the scammers will threaten you with being charged with a criminal violation, a grand jury indictment, immediate arrest, deportation or loss of a business or driver’s license. Learn more here.

ComEd Warns of Imposters
Imposters are taking advantage of residents who may be alone to rob them of their possessions and financial information. These imposters can show up at small businesses as well as homes. In this latest scam, an individual may pose as an employee from ComEd, another utility or a tree service company. ComEd has released information about avoiding these imposters.

Business Security
See "A Guide to Business Security" for helpful tips on protecting your business.

Identity Protection Guide
The Identity Protection Guide shares steps to help you protect your personal information and explores several options to help you decide what’s right for your situation.

Child Safety Seat Information

Children under the age of 8 must be secured in an appropriate child restraint system. Height and weight limits are determined by the car seat/booster seat manufacturer. Read more on the Child Safety Seat page. 

Lock It or Lose It
Lock It or Lose It is a program intended to remind residents that many property crimes can be prevented simply by locking home doors, garage doors, windows and vehicle doors. 
A recent study of property crimes, including home and vehicle burglaries, showed nearly half of the events involved unlocked doors or car drivers who left valuables in plain view without locking their doors. These types of crimes take only seconds or minutes for the thief to commit and are very difficult for officers to catch in-progress. Many of these crimes, and the resulting losses to the victims, can be prevented with a few simple, common-sense actions. Visit the Village's YouTube page to watch the Tinley Park Police Department's "Lock It or Lose It" video.

Emergency Contact Database
The Emergency Contact Database allows Illinois driver’s license and ID cardholders to enter emergency contact information into a voluntary, secure database. In the event of a motor vehicle crash or other emergency situation when a person is unable to communicate, law enforcement can access the database to reach the person’s contacts

Carjacking and Auto Theft Awareness and Prevention Tips

Lock It or Lose It Info

Holiday Safety Tips

During the holidays, crime rates tend to have a slight upswing. This is due, in part, to shoppers carrying more cash and credit cards with them while shopping; shopping later than usual; and the relaxed, easy-going attitude that comes with this time of year. We may call it good cheer, but criminals call it complacency. By remaining aware of holiday season risks, you can better protect yourself.

Out and About 

  • Shop with a friend, preferably during daylight hours.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to who is around you, what they're doing and what activities are going on. Be aware of someone watching you or following you.
  • Do not overload your arms with packages and bags while shopping. Clear visibility and freedom of movement are important self-protection habits.
  • Pick your parking spot wisely. Look for a well-lit area. If you own a small car, try not to park next to a large vehicle, which can block your vision, or someone else’s view of you while you're entering/exiting your vehicle.
  • Don't leave your vehicle unattended while the engine is running, even if you're only going to be away from it for a few seconds.
  • Have your keys out and ready when approaching your vehicle.
  • Be aware of how you carry your purse or wallet. Would it be easy for someone to take it? Remove any unnecessary items and leave them at home.
  • Try to carry only the amount of cash you will need to make your purchases, and limit the number of credit cards to only the ones necessary for your current shopping trip or for that day.
  • Keep a list of all credit cards, along with contact phone numbers for each card, and keep it in a safe place. This will help in the event they are lost or stolen.
  • Discuss various situations with your children. What will they do if you are separated? What will they do if approached by a stranger? What will you do?
  • Practice an exercise used often by police and military called Crisis Rehearsal. Consider what you would do in various stressful situations. Go through the plan in your mind. If you practice this and then are faced with an unusual situation, you will be able to think more clearly and react more calmly because you have already rehearsed it.

In Your Home 

  • Install secondary locks on your windows and doors - pins, deadbolts, dowels, etc.
  • Light the exterior of your home around doors, windows and your driveway.
  • Trim hedges, bushes and trees around doors and windows. Be able to approach your door from the outside and be certain there is not an intruder waiting for you.
  • Place gifts where they cannot be seen from outside your home.
  • Avoid opening the door to strangers.
  • Be aware of “porch predators” who steal delivered packages. Have them delivered elsewhere if possible – maybe your office or a friend who is likely to be home.
In Your Car

  • Do not drive without first locking your doors and closing your windows.
  • When walking out to your car, try not to do it alone. Go with a friend, or when there is another group walking out as well.
  • Walk to your car with a purpose.
  • Do not exit your car if you see a suspicious situation. If you are in doubt, or are approached, drive away.
  • Pay attention when you are leaving casinos. If you're being followed, go to a populated public place, and call the police.
  • Don't let anyone approach you on foot while you're in a drive-through ATM machine.
  • Avoid shortcuts that take you through unfamiliar or unsafe areas.
  • When stopped in traffic, leave enough room between your car and the one in front of you in the event you need to pull away quickly.

Much of the above information is geared toward being aware of where you are, who is around and what is in the environment. If you can control the environment you enter into and pay attention to the things going on around you, you can greatly reduce the possibility that you will become the victim of robbery. The bad guys will not have a chance to make you a victim. A safe holiday starts with a crime prevention plan!

See Something, Say Something ... Call 911 
Dial 911 for emergencies 
Dial (708) 532-9111 for non-emergencies